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  1. Eugenia Hall

    Leave your shoes at the door! That way you don’t track in dirt, grass, sand, pollen or anything else.

  2. Crystal Sell

    Pick up a little each day so it doesn’t pile up. Instead of it taking forever it only takes 10 to 15 minutes each day if you pick up after yourself.

  3. Amy Deeter

    One of my favorite summer cleaning tips is having the children and us adults picking up our stuff as we go.It makes it a lot easier for us

  4. Susan Smith

    My favorite summer cleaning tip is to clean a little bit each day so you aren’t stuck inside cleaning all day when the weather is nice.

  5. Trisha McKee

    My favorite cleaning tip for summertime is to do it early in the morning when it is not too warm and you still have energy. And get the kids involved!

  6. Kristen Patton

    I like to clean up a little bit as I move around the house to do other things. If I have to go downstairs I will look around and see if there’s anything that could be tidied up and brought downstairs and vice versa. I also love to keep Febreeze handy to make everything smell fresh!

  7. Denise W

    My summer cleaning tip is to get the kids who are now out of school to help out a little more around the house!

  8. Betty Curran

    I try to take just 10 or 15 minutes in a room to pick up anything that doesn’t belong. Then another few minutes to quickly vacuum. It’s amazing how much I can accomplish in just a few minutes of concentrated effort. Unfortunately, my current vacuum doesn’t do a very good job so I am hoping for a win here.

  9. Jessica Rose

    My tips is to try and do a little cleaning everyday so that things don’t get piled up too bad!

  10. savannah hadden

    Set up a schedule and assign chores since the kids will be out of school there will be more time for them to chip in.

  11. amy smeltzer

    I don’t know any good tips but I love candles, wax melts and things like that to keep the house smelling nice, especially sandalwwod.

  12. Carolyn Daley

    My tip is to start with one task or one room at a time so that you do not overwhelm yourself. You might want to clean ceilings and shelves before vacuuming the floor in case anything falls.

  13. shawna

    Get your kids to help out. With school being out it’s nice to have the extra hands and teach them responsibilities.


    I get overwhelmed as I am disabled & can’t get much done each day. I have 3 cats & finally reach a point where I can’t stand the hair so I grab my microfiber dry mop & do one room a day then start all over when I feel I can. Bring out the de-shedder.

  15. Laurie Nykaza

    Clean from the top of the room down so as the dust ends up on the floor you can vacuum it last then your finished.

  16. Katie Amanda

    I don’t have any great advice, but I vacuum daily and clean a little each day, so I’m not overwhelmed on weekends. I’m a huge fan of bissell. I love their pet products and like how they promote adoption and support animal rescues.

  17. Stephanie Larison

    Gets the kids involved in cleaning, too. With it being summer and they are out of school, it’ll help them learn responsibility about their living area and keeping it clean.

  18. jennifer aikens

    one I read off pinterest where you use dryer sheets to clean /dust off baseboards, it works really well and it prevents anything from coming back for a good while

  19. Jill S

    My favorite summer tip is to get the kids involved. A little routine is great for them while they are on break!

  20. Anita Duvall

    We like to end clutter and clean by having a giant garage sale in the Spring and using the money for a one night road trip!

  21. Birdiebee

    I clean my house in increments by cleaning one room per day to take off the stress of trying to clean the whole house in one day.

  22. Tara L

    My favorite Summer cleaning tip is to go through each room in the house and price anything you no longer need for a garage sale.

  23. karen mayernick

    My favorite Summer cleaning tip would be keep your floors clean! When your floors are clean, the whole home looks better! Thanks so much for the opportunity!

  24. BRIAN E.

    We always clean out our bathroom exhaust fans at the beginning of summer so they work efficiently to get that extra moisture out of the bathrooms i.e. to prevent mold, because everyone takes more baths / showers in the summertime.

  25. susan smoaks

    my summer cleaning tip is to do a little bit of cleaning each day. do not let it build up until it gets overwhelming.

  26. MaryAnn

    My tip is to have everyone pitch in and do their part so no one has to do everything and the house doesn’t get overwhelming.

  27. Kimberly Hilbert

    My cleaning tip is to store all the products that you use to clean a room in that room. For instance, I have 3 bathrooms. I keep a set of cleaning supplies in each bathroom. That way I don’t have to look all over the house to find them and if I run out in one room I have spares in other rooms until I go shopping.

  28. Jenn H

    Purge everything first!! then top to bottom with a deep clean! and get all the linens on the line on a cool sunny day to freshen up!!

  29. Andrea Clifton

    I definitely clean as I go. That way I don’t have a lot to do at one time and I don’t get so frustrated.

  30. Katie K

    My best tip is to tackle only one room or cleaning project at a time so you don’t get overwhelmed/frustrated!

  31. lissa crane

    My favorite Summer cleaning tip is to choose one room to clean each day and then clean early before it gets too hot!

  32. melissaandkeith miller

    Make a list! Not everything has to be done daily so spread out the cleaning over days that way you are not spending all day cleaning and can enjoy summer with your family!

  33. Rosanne

    I’ve always liked clean windows. My husband cleans the outside of it as I clean the inside to make sure no streaks and we know where the dirt is coming from

  34. jules m.

    i have a rolling caddy with all my cleaning supplies on it. it makes it so much easier to go from room to room

  35. sarah k

    It’s helpful to start from the top and work your way to the bottom and also cleaning a little bit every day so that there is no major buildup that will need a deep clean as often. I also wipe the floors when everybody is out of the house so it has time to try before being walked on.

  36. Kathy Hanley

    Make sure you wash the filter in your vacuum (if you have one) frequently so your vacuum can work at its best!

  37. Leah Shumack

    Fruit flies and ants can come around so quickly during the summer! We make sure to rinse out all of the dishes and remove garbage almost daily to keep these things out of the house!

  38. Christina Almond

    I love to open up the windows in the summer and enjoy the warm weather with some music while cleaning!

  39. jeani b

    i like to clean a bit each day, but one day a week we just take an hour as a family to tackle things like vacumming [how do you spell that LOL] and scrubbing toilets.

  40. Olivia

    I get my kids involved and have them help clean up especially if there was a lot of foot traffic in the house!

  41. Debbie Yoder

    My tip would be to stay organized, keep all your cleaning supplies together and clean one room at a time

  42. Christina Z

    One of my favorite cleaning tips for the summer is to clean when kids are not home and away at their friends/cousins house. It so much easier but if that does not work and does not always work here I like to keep bins with that are color coordinated to the kids favorite colors and put their things in the baskets and they have to put up its best way to get kids involved in being responsible for their things and helping.

  43. Alyce Poalillo

    First I would say is keep up with the messes-easier to clean up small messes than a huge one. Also I change my shoes at the door so I do not drag in all the road and farm dust into the house.

  44. Nichole Smith

    Lemons and vinegar are my secret weapons when it comes to summer cleaning. Vinegar is great for jobs like the coffee pot and windows but lemons are my favorite thing to clean with because they make the house smell good. Use them to wipe down cutting boards, sinks, run them thru the garbage disposal etc.

  45. Justin Sparks

    my cleaning tip…my kids are old enough to do chores now…which is alot of help for this single father…but my main rule has always been clean as you go…you dirty a dish wash it…you make a mess clean it…pick up after yourself…happy dad happy home

  46. Megan L

    I vacuum once a week, and sweep every other day to deal with the kitty litter and fur that gets everywhere.

  47. Liberty

    Make sure to run water on all of those BBQ covered summer cookout dishes before putting them in the sink 🙂

  48. Maryann Royster

    I use the furminator on My German Sheperd Dog Miri to cut down on the daily, not seasonal shedding. I put the fur outside in the yard for the birds to line their nest. PS don’t use cat hair , the birds will not touch it.

  49. Jeanne Rousseau

    Always use a wet dust rag or a spray, dry dusting causes many particles to float through the air and triggers sinus issues.

  50. Kendra

    My biggest cleaning tip is that I make a safe sage infused vinegar cleaning spray that the kids can even help clean with. It’s GREAT!

  51. Michelle Coles

    Don’t spend an entire day cleaning, focus on 1 room a day (however, I usually have to sweep the floor once a day because my kids can be messy! )

  52. Paul Gardner

    My cleaning tip is if you don’t have a vacuum for pet hair on furniture, you could use a lint roller or wrap some duct tape around you hand and pat all around your furniture!

  53. Debbie F

    My cleaning tip is never make a mess. 🙂
    I clean up as soon as I’m done with anything that makes trash (cooking, opening packages, etc) – and always be organized – keeps clutter to a minimum and no extra stuff to dust.


    De-shed your cats so they don’t shed so darn much. Amazing how much hair will come off when doing this a couple times a week.

  55. Jenny S

    I find I sweep a lot more in the summer to avoid ants! Also, we eat outside on the patio for dinner and its usually easy clean up.

  56. staci wells mefford

    set the kitchen timer for 5 minutes go to each room clean for that amount of time only because otherwise you will always find something needing to be cleaned and your whole day isnt spent cleaning thank you for your generosity

  57. Heather D

    I bought a plastic squeege-like broom that I use on my carpet before vacuuming. The animals (and I) shed a lot of hair and I’ve already broken 2 vacuums.

  58. Ruy Morris

    My cleaning tip is to use white vinegar to get rid of lime build-up from water in your dishwasher, coffee maker, or anywhere you need.

  59. Emily Benzing

    My summer cleaning tip is that you have to stay organized. I like to tackle a few things a day.. make a list. Start with clothes, move on to papers, bedroom things, etc. Or just go by room. Start the day with bathroom, go to bedroom, kitchen, and so on. It makes it really easy if you split things up and tackle a few categories a day. So you’re not overwhelmed with trying to do everything at once. Make a list, even make lists as you go. Being organized is how I do it!

  60. SHAYNA

    I like to make cleaning a family event. My kids help me vacuum and dust the furniture. It cuts down on time and it makes them excited about cleaning 🙂

  61. Ruth McIver

    One of my favorite summer cleaning tip is more of a mental thing, it’s all about the attitude. Since mine is stinky sometimes, and I know the cleaning has to get done, I put on my smooth jazz and open all the windows and go for it!

  62. Stacie H

    I have certain chores I do each day of the week. I also try to keep things organized and we have a yard sale every summer to declutter. 🙂

  63. Joanna Allison

    My favorite cleaning tip is to use an app to tell you when to do what task. You can spread the chores out over the week and it seems easier to me.

  64. clynsg

    My tip is to invest in some quality tools–they do make life easier–and that may mean concocting some of the tried and true homemade cleaning mixes. White vinegar and baking soda can do wonders!

  65. Sara A

    My tip is to clean soap scum off the shower door, use a cloth soaked in lemon juice, then dipped in sugar. It rubs the soap scum right off,

  66. Nicole T

    My cleaning tip is to focus on one room at a time! Put on a little music to jam to and cleaning will go by in no time at all!

  67. Natalie

    My favorite summer cleaning tip is to take a piece of trash with you every time you leave a room. That way clutter does not accumulate.

  68. Char

    My favorite tip is to tackle small projects first. I love helping my dad stain the deck. Summer is here, thank you!!

  69. Cindy Peterson

    Don’t forget to change your air conditioner air filters for summer. Clean filters help keep your house from getting additional dust and debris.

  70. Kimberly O

    Get rid of things you don’t use or wear – de-clutter. If you haven’t used it or worn it since last summer, have a yard sale or donate it! I am a horrible hoarder of clothes that I will fit into “someday” – they aren’t even remotely in style anymore!!

  71. Richard Hicks

    My summer cleaning tip is to take your time. Tackle one room at a time and do a thorough job cleaning

  72. AmberSheff

    Think of it differently. “I’m not doing the dishes, I’m doing a kitchen mini-remodel.”

  73. Valencia

    My tip is to turn on your favorite music when you have to clean. It seems to make things go faster when I am singing along to my favorite songs.

  74. Eric Henderson

    I need a new vacuum because my son is graduating High School and headed to college. I would like to give him my old vacuum

  75. Emily Morelli

    My summer cleaning tips are to clean in the evenings so I don’t miss out on any of the beautiful summer weather!

  76. Brittney House

    My favorite tip is to get the kids involved. It makes it go by quicker and they learn how important it is to keep a clean house.

  77. HilLesha

    My favorite summer cleaning tip is using a spray that’s a mixture of white vinegar with lemon essential oil. It cleans practically everything, including glass (without a streak in sight!).

  78. Cynthia W

    My summer cleaning tip is to start cleaning outside around the house first. This way, you get to enjoy the sunshine while getting your work done!

  79. Christina Sparks

    My cleaning tip is to turn up the music, and I prefer to clean when everyone else is out of the house and I put the dogs outside because if not they would be under my feet and following me around as I clean.

  80. Cathy Truman

    I use dryer sheets to clean vents and baseboards. I also like to open the windows and clean one room
    everyday but having a long hair cat Jasmine and long hair dog Bailey and a bird Doodle with lots of feathers
    I have to vacuum every day sometimes twice a day. This Bissell would help so much.

  81. Crystal F

    I clean as I see messes. I can’t stand seeing a mess so I have to clean it. I clean everything else as it needs to be cleaned. One of my tricks is to use a used dryer sheet to dust with. It works wonders. Thank you!

  82. patricia skinner

    My favorite Summer cleaning tip is to look and see what needs to be cleaned when you enter a room in the house. Clean as you go!

  83. Sandy Klocinski

    If you haven’t already, do a bit of decluttering now to get the ball rolling. Encourage kids as young as preschoolers (ages 3-4) to put dirty clothes in the hamper and put away playthings after use.

  84. Margaret Smith

    My favorite summer cleaning tip is to do a little each day. This way, by doing a bit each day, the mess doesn’t pile up. Keeping my fingers crossed.
    Thanks so much.

  85. Holly C.

    my best summer cleaning tip is to have everyone take off their shoes at the door so they do not bring in all the pollen, dirt into the house. Also have everyone chip in and help with the daily cleanup 🙂

  86. Debbi Wellenstein

    I don’t want to spend my summers cleaning, so I spot clean different areas evey day.

  87. Kathy Lane

    My tip is stick with one room at a time. I’m bad about starting in a room and walk into another one and start doing something in that one and forget to go back to the first one.

  88. Ann Fantom

    My cleaning tip is to use your used dryer sheets for dusting. The static electricity in the dryer sheet traps the dust

  89. Cynthia C

    My tip is to use microfiber cloths for cleaning and dusting. They do a great job without leaving lint behind.

  90. Adrienne Gordon

    we keep towels by our front doors so kids can put muddy shoes on them and the dog can get her feet wiped.

  91. Jen Reed

    To get your outside grill summer ready you should use oven cleaner on the grates in a well ventilated area. It will be sparkling and ready in no time.

  92. Barbara

    I burn a lilac candle and open the house while I clean. Something about the fresh air combined with that particular scent really motivates and energizes me.

  93. Brandy Darian

    I have started giving my dog brewers yeast pills to cut down on the amount of shedding… Which is HORRIBLE this time of year!

    • Mary Walker

      I got rid of a lot of stuff before we moved but when I was unpacking it still seems like I have too much stuff! I need to get rid of ton more and it seems like it’s never ending.

  94. Ellie Wright

    I like to spray my throw rugs with a lemony scent and then hang them in the sun for a while. They make the house smell great.

  95. Dotty J Boucher

    One of my favorite Summer cleaning tips would have to be, keep it simple and light. Make a chart for yourself that each day something gets done around the home, Don’t do everything in one day, too much stress and its way!! too hot.. like. laundry one day, maybe tuesday you will do the windexing and so on .. I like to save the vacuuming for last because this way all the dust has been pushed to the carpets.. and yes I really need a new vacuum,..

  96. Lisa Brown

    My favorite summer cleaning tip: clean as you go so it does not build up and get out of control. Thanks for the chance to win 🙂
    jslbrown2009 at aol dot com